Adding a Sales Contact

You should search for the sales contactClosedA sales contact is a person affiliated with your company who is responsible for working with reps to encourage sales of your products. Sales contacts may be National Sales Managers, Regional Sales Managers, Internal Wholesalers or External Wholesalers. Some of the key functionality in SalesConnect revolves around tracking sales data for the territories and/or regions to which sales contacts are assigned. you want before adding him or her, in case a record already exists in SalesConnect.

  1. Using the Data Operations or Sales Reporting personaClosedA persona is an interface set of menus and dashboard or home view that was designed for a single set of operators who share goals, skills, attitude and behavior patterns. Each persona's interface displays only the content and tools that are relevant for that group., select Contacts from the Connections menu. Or you can select in the universal menu, and then select Contact Search under Contacts.
  2. Select Add Sales Contact.
  3. Complete the Add ContactClosedAny individual person tracked in SalesConnect is a contact, which is one type of connection. So, reps, firm contacts, and office contacts—are all contacts. Partnerships and teams are also treated as contacts in SalesConnect, because you usually need to work with them in the same ways. page (required fields are marked with *).


  4. When you have finished, select Save.