Maintaining Transaction Account Rules

Transaction account rules affect how trades and assets are handled during systematic resolution. These rules can: use complex criteriaClosedIn a query, a criterion is a single point of comparison. For instance, one criterion in a query might be reps in the state of Michigan. Query and search criteria are based on properties in the primary SalesConnect objects associated with the type of connection or other record which the query or search finds. to flag items as No Sales, Pass-Through, or Exclude; apply transaction account labelsClosedA label is like a tag, a convenient way for you to mark records so that you can easily find and work with them later. Most labels are tagged to key connections. For instance, you could create a label called "Top Reps," and then assign this label to the top-producing reps with which you work. Since you can search for connections with a particular label assigned to them, you can easily retrieve the list of reps who have been assigned this label. However, you can also define transaction account labels that may be systematically applied to the transactions and assets imported to SalesConnect, so that it's easy to find and work with those transactions and assets later. to items; change items' transaction code and suffix; and change the firmClosedA broker/dealer firm (or broker dealer or broker-dealer) is a connection associated with intermediary business, typically a top-level organization in this hierarchy. Broker/dealer firms are also sometimes referred to as just "firms" or "brokers" or "dealers" or "financial institutions." Each broker/dealer firm may have one or more offices affiliated with it, and through these offices, reps may also be affiliated with it. A broker/dealer firm may have associated firm contacts, as well. Possibly the most critical information you can track for broker/dealer firms are aliases, also known as trading IDs. Aliases are the IDs that associate transactions with each broker/dealer firm. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for broker/dealer firms is stored in the Firm table. The Firm Alias table stores trading IDs associated with broker/dealer firms./officeClosedAn office is a connection in the intermediary business hierarchy, an organization subordinate to a broker/dealer firm. Offices are also sometimes referred to as "branches'; institutional firms have branches in SalesConnect. An office is affiliated with a single broker/dealer firm, and may have one or more reps directly affiliated with it. An office may have associated office contacts, as well. Possibly the most critical information you can track for offices are aliases, also known as trading IDs. Aliases are the IDs that associate transactions with each office. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for offices is stored in the Office table. Information about office trading IDs is stored in the Office Alias table./repClosedA rep is perhaps the most important contact connection in the intermediary business hierarchy. Each rep is an individual who sells funds and is affiliated with an office (and through the office, with a broker/dealer firm). Reps may also be referred to as "financial advisors." Possibly the most critical information you can track for reps are aliases, also known as trading IDs. Aliases are the IDs that associate transactions and assets with each rep. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for reps is stored in the Contact and Rep Profile tables. The Rep Alias table stores trading IDs associated with reps. aliases assigned to items. See Transaction Account Rules for more about these rules and their roleClosedRoles are linked to security and personas in SalesConnect. Each role represents a group of operators who perform similar tasks and who need access to similar features. Each operator is assigned to at least one specific role. Roles may be included in security rules and in territory category definitions, too. in trade and asset handling for SalesConnect. See these topics:

Tips for Building a Transaction Account Rule Set

As you define transaction account rules, keep in mind these tips about how these rules are evaluated at processing time:

  • For rules with Rule Type set to Standard, all criteria specified in the Definition section are joined with the logical operator AND; that is, the only records selected will be those that meet ALL of the specified criteria.
  • All transaction account rules are either Inclusion or Exclusion rules (as set in Inclusion or Exclusion). If possible, define broad Inclusion rules that are sequenced to run first; Exclusion rules are designed to allow you to remove subsets of records selected by an Inclusion rule, so that they are not acted upon as the Inclusion rule indicates. For instance, you might define an Inclusion rule that selects all incoming trades with the firm/office trading IDClosedA trading ID is a number associated with transactions that identifies the responsible firm, office or rep. A trading ID is always associated with a specific transfer agency. Trading IDs are also known as aliases. set "15/033" and with trade class "Sale" to change the trade class to "Sale Cancel". If however, you also wanted to ensure that incoming trades with the firm/office trading ID set "15/033" and with trade class "Sale" AND with rep trading IDs between "042" and "182" are not changed to "Sale Cancel", you could use an Exclusionrule to achieve this. An Exclusion rule must:

    • Select records previously selected for a specific action or set of actions by an Inclusion rule
    • Contain the same action as the Inclusion rule in its definition—in effect you are indicating that this subset should be excluded from this specific action that would otherwise be performed.
  • Rules are evaluated at processing time in descending order by Sequence Number order. That means that any Exclusion rule should be set to a lower Sequence Number than the Inclusion rule that it qualifies.

Adding a Transaction Account Rule

  1. Using the Data Operations personaClosedA persona is an interface set of menus and dashboard or home view that was designed for a single set of operators who share goals, skills, attitude and behavior patterns. Each persona's interface displays only the content and tools that are relevant for that group., select Rule Definitions from the Resolution menu. Or, select in the universal menu, and then select Rule Definitions under Feeds.
  2. Check to see if an appropriate rule already exists. You can use the displayed Transaction Account Rule Definition Search page to filter the listed entries as needed, using either a new or saved search.

  3. When ready to add a rule, select Add Transaction Account Rule Definition.
  4. On the displayed Add Transaction Account Rule Definition page, complete details for this rule.

    1. In the Description field, type brief text describing the purpose of the rule.
    2. In the Inclusion or Exclusion field in the Definition section, select Inclusion or Exclusion. Inclusion rules generally act on all records meeting the criteria you will define. If you need to exclude some records from an action defined in an Inclusion rule that runs first, define an Exclusion rule that uses an Action that exactly matches the one for that Inclusion rule; an Exclusion rule cancels the effect of an earlier Inclusion rule on a subset of records.
    3. Select Transaction, Account, or both in the Definition section, to set whether the rule applies to transactions, accounts, or both.
    4. In the Action section, select the action to apply to records affected by the rule:

      1. In the Action Type field, select the type of action you want. If you choose Label, you can apply a transaction account label to selected records, but you must first have defined the label you want to use. See Define a label in the Transaction Account Label list (part of Maintaining Resolution Lists) for instructions.
      2. Complete the additional fields that are displayed once you have picked an action type.
    5. Create a standard or complex rule: Standard rules use simple criteria from the Definition Types list, while Complex rules use criteria defined with a queryClosedA query is a special type of saved search for connections or other data in SalesConnect, created with a SalesConnect query tool rather than a standard search page. When you create a query, you select query criteria based on familiar field names from the interface; the criteria you specify are transformed behind the scenes into the appropriate SQL statements. tool. Some users may only create standard rules.

    6. When you have finished creating the rule, select Save. Each time that the entire ruleset changes (new rules are added, existing ones are changed or deleted), the entire ruleset must be compiled. You'll be alerted what that process completes.

History is maintained for changes to transaction account rule definitions; see Reviewing Maintenance History for details for accessing it.

Changing Transaction Account Rules

  1. Using the Data Operations persona, select Rule Definitions from the Resolution menu. Or, select in the universal menu, and then select Rule Definitions under Feeds.
  2. Search for the rule you want to change, using the displayed Transaction Account Rule Definition Search page and either a new or saved search.

  3. In the search results table, you can change the order of processing for any listed rule: Select to move a rule up one value in the sequence or to move it one value down. Or you can select to display a dialog you can use to assign a new sequence number for that rule.
  4. To change other details for a listed rule:

    1. Select the link for the rule you want to change. The Edit Transaction Account Rule Definition page for it is shown.
    2. If necessary, change which records will be affected by the rule's application.

      • For a standard rule, you can change the included Definition Types and the values set for them as needed. If you want to remove existing types, we recommend first removing any value set for the type, and then de-selecting the box for it. If you select additional types, be sure to set values appropriately.
      • For a complex rule, you can select a displayed Edit Query button to begin changing the selection query for the rule.

        1. On the displayed popup, change criteria as needed. You can add criteria based on object/property combinations or on object subqueries.

          1. Select Add Criteria in the Filter Criteria Editor. A new item containing a set of controls appears in the Criteria Editor.
          2. In the first field, select a listed business object/property or a subquery item.
          3. Complete the other Filter Criteria Editor fields in the item to define this criterion.
          4. Repeat the steps above until you have added all needed criteria to your query.
        2. When you have finished with the query, select OK on the popup.
    3. To change the action for this rule, use fields in the Actions section.
    4. Change values in other fields as needed.


      • Description is brief text describing the purpose of the rule
      • Remember that Inclusion rules generally act on all records meeting the criteria set for the rule, while an Exclusion rule includes an Action that exactly matches the one for an Inclusion rule run earlier than it, and cancels the effect of that earlier Inclusion rule on a subset of records.
      • Select Transaction, Account, or both in the Definition section, to set whether the rule applies to transactions, accounts, or both.
    5. When you have finished changing the rule, select Save. Each time that the entire ruleset changes (new rules are added, existing ones are changed or deleted), the entire ruleset must be compiled. You'll be alerted what that process completes.

History is maintained for changes to transaction account rule definitions; see Reviewing Maintenance History for details for accessing it.

Deleting a Transaction Account Rule

  1. Using the Data Operations persona, select Rule Definitions from the Resolution menu. Or, select in the universal menu, and then select Rule Definitions under Feeds.
  2. Search for the rule or rules you want to delete, using the displayed Transaction Account Rule Definition Search page and either a new or saved search.

  3. In the search results table, use the checkboxes to select the rule or rules you want to delete, and then select Delete. You may be asked to confirm this. Each time that the entire ruleset changes (new rules are added, existing ones are changed or deleted), the entire ruleset must be compiled. You'll be alerted what that process completes.

History is maintained for changes to transaction account rule definitions; see Reviewing Maintenance History for details for accessing it.