Defining Labels

  1. Using the Administration personaClosedA persona is an interface set of menus and dashboard or home view that was designed for a single set of operators who share goals, skills, attitude and behavior patterns. Each persona's interface displays only the content and tools that are relevant for that group., select Labels from the Feature Configuration menu. Or; using the Sales Reporting persona, select Labels from the Configuration menu. Or, select in the universal menu, and then select Label List under Labels.
  2. On the appropriate tab of the LabelClosedA label is like a tag, a convenient way for you to mark records so that you can easily find and work with them later. Most labels are tagged to key connections. For instance, you could create a label called "Top Reps," and then assign this label to the top-producing reps with which you work. Since you can search for connections with a particular label assigned to them, you can easily retrieve the list of reps who have been assigned this label. However, you can also define transaction account labels that may be systematically applied to the transactions and assets imported to SalesConnect, so that it's easy to find and work with those transactions and assets later. List page, select Add. Each label may be: Private, for your use only; Public, available for all operators, but usually maintained only by administrators; or Shared, available for use by a specific group.

    The tabs of the Label List page may be used to change or delete labels when necessary:

  3. Complete the displayed Add Label page to define the label.


  4. Select Save. The label can now be tagged to appropriate connections.