Searching for Accounts

Accounts may be tracked for repsClosedA rep is perhaps the most important contact connection in the intermediary business hierarchy. Each rep is an individual who sells funds and is affiliated with an office (and through the office, with a broker/dealer firm). Reps may also be referred to as "financial advisors." Possibly the most critical information you can track for reps are aliases, also known as trading IDs. Aliases are the IDs that associate transactions and assets with each rep. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for reps is stored in the Contact and Rep Profile tables. The Rep Alias table stores trading IDs associated with reps. in SalesConnect; you can see accounts associated with an individual rep on the Accounts tab of the detail page for them. However, you can also search for accounts.

  1. Using the Data Operations personaClosedA persona is an interface set of menus and dashboard or home view that was designed for a single set of operators who share goals, skills, attitude and behavior patterns. Each persona's interface displays only the content and tools that are relevant for that group., select Accounts from the Financials menu. Or select in the universal menu, and then select Account Search under Accounts.
  2. Choose a saved search, create a new search, use a queryClosedA query is a special type of saved search for connections or other data in SalesConnect, created with a SalesConnect query tool rather than a standard search page. When you create a query, you select query criteria based on familiar field names from the interface; the criteria you specify are transformed behind the scenes into the appropriate SQL statements., or create a new query and then use it.