Searching for Connections

You can quickly search for contactsClosedAny individual person tracked in SalesConnect is a contact, which is one type of connection. So, reps, firm contacts, and office contacts—are all contacts. Partnerships and teams are also treated as contacts in SalesConnect, because you usually need to work with them in the same ways. (people) using the Search Contacts box in the menu bar: type as much of the contact name as possible into the field, and then select . Or use these steps to search for companies or for people using more than just a name.

  1. Display the search page for the type of connectionClosedConnections are entities; they're the different types of companies and individuals you may need to track. SalesConnect is set up to display information about the types of connections you care about, based on the roles to which you are assigned. you want to find:

    • Select Contacts from the Connections menu or select in the universal menu, and then Contact Search under Contacts.
    • Select Offices from the Connections menu or select in the universal menu, and then Office Searchunder Offices.
    • Select Firms from the Connections menu or select in the universal menu, and then Firm Searchunder Firms.
    • Select Master Firms from the Connections menu or select in the universal menu, and then Master Firm Searchunder Master Firms.

    Contacts include: repsClosedA rep is perhaps the most important contact connection in the intermediary business hierarchy. Each rep is an individual who sells funds and is affiliated with an office (and through the office, with a broker/dealer firm). Reps may also be referred to as "financial advisors." Possibly the most critical information you can track for reps are aliases, also known as trading IDs. Aliases are the IDs that associate transactions and assets with each rep. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for reps is stored in the Contact and Rep Profile tables. The Rep Alias table stores trading IDs associated with reps.; partnershipsClosedA partnership is a contact connection in the intermediary business hierarchy, though it is really a name for a group of reps working together to sell one or more products. A partnership, sometimes called a rep partnership, is treated as a special type of rep: this means that most of the tools for working with reps may be used to work with partnerships as well. Most views of transactions associated with an individual rep generally don't include transactions or parts of transactions that the rep may have cleared as part of a partnership. Instead, these kinds of trades are listed only for the rep partnership. Each member's portion of rep partnership sales data is always based on the percentages currently assigned to each member; no long-term historical information about percentages is maintained. SalesConnect does not store any calculated trade or asset values based on rep partnerships. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for partnerships is stored in the Contact, Rep Partnership, and Rep Profile tables. The Rep Alias table stores trading IDs associated with partnerships as well as reps.; teamsClosedA team is a contact connection, though it is really a group of individuals working together to achieve a common sales goal; a team may include reps and rep partnerships from the office with which the team is associated, but it can also office contacts and non-producing reps who support team sales efforts.; master firmClosedA broker/dealer firm (or broker dealer or broker-dealer) is a connection associated with intermediary business, typically a top-level organization in this hierarchy. Broker/dealer firms are also sometimes referred to as just "firms" or "brokers" or "dealers" or "financial institutions." Each broker/dealer firm may have one or more offices affiliated with it, and through these offices, reps may also be affiliated with it. A broker/dealer firm may have associated firm contacts, as well. Possibly the most critical information you can track for broker/dealer firms are aliases, also known as trading IDs. Aliases are the IDs that associate transactions with each broker/dealer firm. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for broker/dealer firms is stored in the Firm table. The Firm Alias table stores trading IDs associated with broker/dealer firms., firm, officeClosedAn office is a connection in the intermediary business hierarchy, an organization subordinate to a broker/dealer firm. Offices are also sometimes referred to as "branches'; institutional firms have branches in SalesConnect. An office is affiliated with a single broker/dealer firm, and may have one or more reps directly affiliated with it. An office may have associated office contacts, as well. Possibly the most critical information you can track for offices are aliases, also known as trading IDs. Aliases are the IDs that associate transactions with each office. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for offices is stored in the Office table. Information about office trading IDs is stored in the Office Alias table., and sales contactsClosedA sales contact is a person affiliated with your company who is responsible for working with reps to encourage sales of your products. Sales contacts may be National Sales Managers, Regional Sales Managers, Internal Wholesalers or External Wholesalers. Some of the key functionality in SalesConnect revolves around tracking sales data for the territories and/or regions to which sales contacts are assigned.. You can use values in the Snapshots field in a search to limit results to include only specific types of contacts.

  2. Choose a saved search, create a new search, use a queryClosedA query is a special type of saved search for connections or other data in SalesConnect, created with a SalesConnect query tool rather than a standard search page. When you create a query, you select query criteria based on familiar field names from the interface; the criteria you specify are transformed behind the scenes into the appropriate SQL statements., or create a new query. You may not have access to all options. Searches are easier to build than queries.

Any set of search or query results includes links you can select to display more details for individual connections.