Adding a Contact or Rep

A contactClosedAny individual person tracked in SalesConnect is a contact, which is one type of connection. So, reps, firm contacts, and office contacts—are all contacts. Partnerships and teams are also treated as contacts in SalesConnect, because you usually need to work with them in the same ways. is a connectionClosedConnections are entities; they're the different types of companies and individuals you may need to track. SalesConnect is set up to display information about the types of connections you care about, based on the roles to which you are assigned., usually associated with at least one organization; a repClosedA rep is perhaps the most important contact connection in the intermediary business hierarchy. Each rep is an individual who sells funds and is affiliated with an office (and through the office, with a broker/dealer firm). Reps may also be referred to as "financial advisors." Possibly the most critical information you can track for reps are aliases, also known as trading IDs. Aliases are the IDs that associate transactions and assets with each rep. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for reps is stored in the Contact and Rep Profile tables. The Rep Alias table stores trading IDs associated with reps. is really a contact who sells. You usually begin adding a contact or a rep from the organization's detail page.

  1. On a page showing details for an organization, show the Contacts tab to list the associated contacts. To display these details, search for an organization (see Searching for Connections for details), or select one from your history ( in the universal menu) or bookmarks (Welcome > Bookmarks). You may want to use filter fields on the Contacts tab to list only the type of contact or rep you plan to add.
  2. Above the contact list, select Add.
  3. Complete the Add page with details for the new contact or rep; required fields are marked with an asterisk.


  4. Select Save.

    • You may be asked whether you want to keep the address you entered or use one suggested by Finalist, the address validation tool used in SalesConnect. You won't be able to continue until you select an option.
    • Duplicate checking occurs when you save a connection. If the connection or an alias added for it (or for a rep, the CRD number) appears to duplicate information already in SalesConnect, a warning popup is shown. Follow instructions on the popup to handle the potential duplicate appropriately.
    • Any Rep Trading ID that you entered is checked against the Rep Number Format values associated with the office or firm involved. You'll be prompted to change the value if that's necessary to comply with an expected format.
    • Any change to an alias set to synchronize to FID results in those changes being posted to FID in an appropriate manner.
    • If your SalesConnect system is set to pass your updates to UD-maintained connections back to UD, your changes (this maintenance transaction) may be shared with UD for review and action.

    Once a new contact or rep is saved, a page showing details and more options for that individual is displayed. You can use the page and its tabs to add or review more information related to the contact or rep, including relationships to other connections:

    • The Firm and Office fields' values are links you can select to view details for the associated firm and office.
    • In some sections, you can edit information: Select to make fields editable, and then select to save your changes and make the fields read-only again.