Managing Reports
Find out how to manage key settings for all reports generated from Crystal Reports templates made available for use in SalesConnect. Learn how to manage and troubleshoot report requests that fail or are flushed. You may also want to read About Reports for background information about report functionality.
See these topics:
Managing Report Settings
Authorized operators can manage settings for the report templates that are available to operators.
In addition to the settings described below, you can define report types, used to categorize reports in SalesConnect, by managing entries in the Report Type list. You can also manage the public folders in which shared reports may be stored, by managing entries in the Public Folders list. These lists are managed with the Validation List Editor; see Maintaining Validation Lists for general steps for using this tool. Changing values in other reports-related lists may cause SalesConnect reports to no longer function as expected.
- Using the Sales Reporting persona
A persona is an interface set of menus and dashboard or home view that was designed for a single set of operators who share goals, skills, attitude and behavior patterns. Each persona's interface displays only the content and tools that are relevant for that group., select Settings from the Reports menu. Or, select in the universal menu, and then select Manage Report Settings under Reports. The Manage Report Settings page is shown.
- If you would like to set the email address to be used as the sender address when reports are emailed to operators, type that address in Sender Email, and then select Save. Any change to this email address takes effect only after the setting is saved and the report generation service is restarted.
To change settings for an individual report:
Select the link for the report template in the table, and use the displayed Report Settings popup to change its settings.
- Available to roles allows you to select checkboxes for the roles
Roles are linked to security and personas in SalesConnect. Each role represents a group of operators who perform similar tasks and who need access to similar features. Each operator is assigned to at least one specific role. Roles may be included in security rules and in territory category definitions, too. whose operators can use the report template.
- Report Type allows you to assign the template to a specific category.
- Operators may be able to change the export format used for a specific report request, even when you set a Default Export Format.
- Available to roles allows you to select checkboxes for the roles
- Select Save.
Managing Report Requests
Authorized operators can monitor processing for all requested reports. Sometimes report requests cannot be processed, due to problems with the report parameter values, processing time limits or other issues. When operators report that a requested report has not been generated, authorized operators can check on the status of the report request, take corrective actions and, if appropriate, resubmit the report request. Authorized operators can also delete scheduled report requests when necessary.
See these topics:
Handling Failed or Flushed Reports
- Using the Sales Reporting persona, select Manage Requests from the Reports menu. Or, select in the universal menu, and then select Manage Report Requests under Reports. The Report Requests page is shown.
Review the recent report quests listed on the Requests tab; the Status column helps you identify those that may require attention.
- A Submitted request is pending, having not yet been picked up for processing; all requests start with this status.
- A Completed request has been successfully processed and is now available. See Using Generated Reports for steps for retrieving a report.
A Flushed request was picked up for processing, but the processing attempt exceeded the time limit set for the template involved, so it was canceled. You should resolve the underlying problem; see the next steps for guidance.
Failed requests were picked up for processing, but couldn't be generated. You should resolve the underlying problem; see the next steps for guidance.
Handle Flushed requests.
- Select the link for a Flushed request you want to handle.
Determine and act on the underlying reason for the request's failure to complete processing during the time allotted to instances based on its template. Possible reasons include:
- The request attempts to retrieve too much data, usually because of the parameter values specified in the request. Parameter values used in the request are shown in Request Data (along with other information for the request). Any parameter set to retrieve all values for the associated parameter shows ?* as its value; if there are too many parameters set to retrieve all values, that may result in too large a data retrieval operation. You may want to ask the operator to submit a new request that includes less data.
- Report processing is slower than usual due to environmental issues; this may require investigation and resolution by SalesConnect support personnel. However, you can submit the request again, to see if the environmental issues have already been resolved: Select Submit. A message confirms your report request. See Using Generated Reports for steps for retrieving the report once it's completed.
The processing time limit set for the report template is for too short an interval. Any report template for which requests are repeatedly flushed probably has too short an interval set for processing requests based on it or has poorly configured parameters. SalesConnect support personnel may be able to address these issues.
Handle Failed requests.
- Select the link for a Failed request you want to handle.
Determine and act on the underlying reason for the request's failure. Status Reason may provide additional details; some possible status reasons will indicate that:
- An environmental issue occurred. This may require investigation and resolution by SalesConnect support personnel. However, you can submit the request again, to see if the environmental issues have already been resolved: Select Submit. A message confirms your report request. See Using Generated Reports for steps for retrieving the report once it's completed.
- The report template file can't be accessed, which suggests either that it's simply not available in the necessary location or there's a problem with the definition of the template file for SalesConnect. SalesConnect support personnel may be able to address these issues.
- A problem exists with one or more of the parameter values. Parameter values used in the request are shown in Request Data (along with other information for the request). Examine the parameter values for likely problems. If none are obvious and this is a new report template, SalesConnect support personnel may be able to address the issue.
Deleting Scheduled Report Requests
- Using the Sales Reporting persona, select Manage Requests from the Reports menu. Or, select in the universal menu, and then select Manage Report Requests under Reports. The Report Requests page is shown.
- On the Scheduled tab, use checkboxes to select the listed scheduled requests that you want to delete.
- Select Delete above the table. You may be asked to confirm this deletion.