Developing a Territory Category Version

You can develop multiple versions of each territory categoryClosedA territory category represents one set of distinct territories that you need to maintain at the same time. A single territory category may not reflect how your sales force is distributed, so you can define up to fifteen (15) different territory categories in SalesConnect; however, only one version in each territory category can be current at any given time. Categories can represent particular lines of business (such as wirehouses or banks) or product lines (such as mutual funds or annuities), or any other meaningful division for which you need to support distinct sets of territories. Categories include as many named territories as you need to identify sales responsibilities. Named territories are often geographical in nature, but can also include channel/subchannel definitions and firm associations. Applicability also affects office and rep/partnership/team territory assignments: if a territory category is applicable to a firm, then entities associated with that firm can be assigned to territories in that category; but if the category is not applicable to a firm, then associated entities are not assigned to a defined territory in it, but are instead flagged "Not Applicable" for the category., even though only one version can be current for each category at any given time. Each version contains a set of rules that can be used to determine the territory assignmentsClosedOnce a set of territories within a particular territory category version has been made current in SalesConnect, those territories will be assigned to appropriate connections (offices, reps, rep partnerships, teams, and even plan sponsors, if appropriate). Territory assignments are based on the criteria in the territory category definitions, on firm applicability, and on whether an entity is locked or not. In SalesConnect, territory locks always override systematic territory assignments. Firm associations can be set at the territory definition level; separately, territory categories can be set to be applicable to particular firms. These settings are very different from each other, but both firm associations and territory category applicability affect territory assignments for entities. for connectionsClosedConnections are entities; they're the different types of companies and individuals you may need to track. SalesConnect is set up to display information about the types of connections you care about, based on the roles to which you are assigned. and transactions. To better understand the ins and outs of how territoriesClosedIn a territory category, you can define as many named territories as you need to identify sales responsibilities. Territories are often divided geographically, and can include whole countries, states or provinces, or even ZIP/postal code ranges. Other criteria can be included for each territory, such as firm association or channel/subchannel definitions. If needed, you can filter offices, reps, partnerships, and teams to which a territory will apply by their firm association alone. Each territory can have one or more operators assigned to it; after territory assignments are set, permissions can be set to control the level of access each operator has to data (such as viewing or editing), based on his or her territory assignments. work in SalesConnect, you may want to start by reading the topics in About Territories; see Territory Categories and Applicability, Territory Category Versions, and Territory Rollouts particularly, to better understand what territory categories and versions do.

  1. Add a new version for the appropriate territory category. Often, a new territory category version begins as a copy of a previous territory version: you can create a new version by simply copying details from a previous or existing version and then changing the details for the new version. See Adding a Version for a Territory Category.
  2. Ensure that territory category applicabilityClosedYou can indicate whether each active territory category is applicable to an individual firm. If a territory category is applicable to a broker/dealer firm, then connections (offices, reps, partnerships, teams) associated with that broker/dealer firm are assigned to territories in that category. If a category is not applicable to a broker/dealer firm, then entities associated with that firm will not be assigned to a territory in that category, but instead will be flagged as “Not Applicable” for the category. is set for the appropriate firms. See Setting Firm Applicability for a Territory Category.
  3. Name and define territories for the territory category version; each territory will have a unique territory codeClosedEach territory code is unique, and is used to identify a territory. Codes have a maximum length of (10) characters, and may include such characteristics as state(s) and/or ZIP code range(s) included in the territory. and other territory definitionClosedA territory definition specifies characteristics that define a named territory in a territory category version. Definitions can include countries, states/provinces, ZIP/postal codes, distribution channel and subchannel, firm association and other criteria, when appropriate. details. Territories often describe geographic areas, but other criteriaClosedIn a query, a criterion is a single point of comparison. For instance, one criterion in a query might be reps in the state of Michigan. Query and search criteria are based on properties in the primary SalesConnect objects associated with the type of connection or other record which the query or search finds. can be used. See Defining Territories.
  4. Name and define regionsClosedTerritory regions are optional, but they can be used to group together a number of territories overseen by the same regional sales manager. An unlimited number of regions can be defined for each territory category version, and each region may have an unlimited number of territories. However, a territory may only belong to a single region., if you need these optional groups of territories, and then assign territories to them. See Defining Regions.
  5. Set the rolesClosedRoles are linked to security and personas in SalesConnect. Each role represents a group of operators who perform similar tasks and who need access to similar features. Each operator is assigned to at least one specific role. Roles may be included in security rules and in territory category definitions, too. that will determine which types of sales contactsClosedA sales contact is a person affiliated with your company who is responsible for working with reps to encourage sales of your products. Sales contacts may be National Sales Managers, Regional Sales Managers, Internal Wholesalers or External Wholesalers. Some of the key functionality in SalesConnect revolves around tracking sales data for the territories and/or regions to which sales contacts are assigned. may be assigned to territories and regions, and then assign sales contactsClosedAny individual person tracked in SalesConnect is a contact, which is one type of connection. So, reps, firm contacts, and office contacts—are all contacts. Partnerships and teams are also treated as contacts in SalesConnect, because you usually need to work with them in the same ways. to territories and regions.See Assigning Sales Contacts to Territories and Regions. (You may first have to add appropriate sale contacts. See Adding a Sales Contact for instructions.)
  6. If you need to override default territory assignments for any incoming transactions, create the necessary transaction definitionsClosedBy default, when transactions are added to SalesConnect, they are assigned a territory for each territory category in use; the territory values are copied from the connection (usually a rep or partnership) associated with the transaction. If there is no associated rep or partnership, the transaction gets its territory value from the associated office. Transaction definitions allow you to further refine a trade's territory assignments during systematic resolution. Transaction definitions are associated with an individual territory category. They determine whether or not a particular trade gets the territory assignment (in that category) of the associated connection, based on additional data in the trade. If you use transaction definitions, you must ensure that they include criteria for all circumstances under which you want a specific territory to be assigned to incoming trades. to do so. See Managing Transaction Definitions for instructions.
  7. Propose a realignment, review the changes that would be made if the realignment were made, and make any needed adjustments to the version. See Proposing a Territory Realignment.
  8. When you judge that a realignment proposal's changes are as you want them, realign territories. See Performing a Proposed Territory Realignment.