Adding an Office

An officeClosedAn office is a connection in the intermediary business hierarchy, an organization subordinate to a broker/dealer firm. Offices are also sometimes referred to as "branches'; institutional firms have branches in SalesConnect. An office is affiliated with a single broker/dealer firm, and may have one or more reps directly affiliated with it. An office may have associated office contacts, as well. Possibly the most critical information you can track for offices are aliases, also known as trading IDs. Aliases are the IDs that associate transactions with each office. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for offices is stored in the Office table. Information about office trading IDs is stored in the Office Alias table. is always associated with a firmClosedA broker/dealer firm (or broker dealer or broker-dealer) is a connection associated with intermediary business, typically a top-level organization in this hierarchy. Broker/dealer firms are also sometimes referred to as just "firms" or "brokers" or "dealers" or "financial institutions." Each broker/dealer firm may have one or more offices affiliated with it, and through these offices, reps may also be affiliated with it. A broker/dealer firm may have associated firm contacts, as well. Possibly the most critical information you can track for broker/dealer firms are aliases, also known as trading IDs. Aliases are the IDs that associate transactions with each broker/dealer firm. If you need to write queries or reports: The primary data for broker/dealer firms is stored in the Firm table. The Firm Alias table stores trading IDs associated with broker/dealer firms. tracked in SalesConnect. So you begin adding an office from the page displaying details for the right firm. See Searching for Connections if you would like help with that task; that's probably the way that you will get to details most often.

  1. Display the Add Office page:

    • On a page showing details for a firm, select the Offices tab, and then above the table listing offices, select Add. If you use this option, information for the associated firm is already completed for the office.
    • Or, select in the universal menu, and then select Add Office under Offices. If you use this option, you'll need to select the firm with which to associate the office.
  2. Complete the Add Office page (required fields are marked with *).


  3. Select Save. You may be asked whether you want to keep the address you entered or use one suggested by Finalist, the address validation tool used in SalesConnect. You won't be able to continue until you select an option. Duplicate checking occurs when you save a connection. If the connection or an alias added for it appears to duplicate information already in SalesConnect, a warning popup is shown. Follow instructions on the popup to handle the potential duplicate appropriately.

    Once an office is saved, a page showing details and more options for it is shown. You can use the page and its tabs to add or review more information related to the office, including relationships to other connections.